Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park Utah

Location:  37° 2'13.32"N 112°43'52.27"W

Getting There:
Travel north from Kanab, UT on Highway US-89 for approximately eight miles.  Turn left onto Hancock Road and follow for just over nine miles.  Turn left onto Coral Pink Sand Dunes Road, following to the park entrance on the left.

$6 per vehicle

Notes about our Visit:
We visited the dunes on our way between the Grand Canyon and Zion National Parks.  It was another one of those times I am glad we allow for a little extra time when we travel.  We were heading north out of Kanab, read the sign on the side of the highway, and said 'Lets go!'  I am glad we did.  I know the vast majority of those who visit the park are there with paddle tires and orange flags, but there are some hidden gems in the dunes.

We followed the road past the information center, into the park and parked at the main parking lot for the nature trail.  A large observation platform sits at the end of a handicap accessible walkway and  provides a panoramic view of the dunes.  Adjacent to the main parking lot lies a nice, covered picnic area with a built-in barbecue.  Everything is setup for disabled access with gently sloped concrete pathways.

Information signs lead the way as you wander over and between beautifully shaped dunes.    The trail offers a unique perspective into the dune's ecosystem and provides detailed information on the various plants that call the dunes home.  Although it was around 10 on a May morning, the sand was quite warm as we walked in our sandals along the trail through the dunes.

If you were to quickly rush through you would miss a lot of these hidden gems.  Abundant beautiful pale-blue lupine stands in contrast with the coral-pink sand.  We really enjoyed the walk through the dunes and plan on spending some addition time here in the future.


Fees: $16/night

While we did not spend the night here, we did take some time to scope out the area.  The campground looked to be very well maintained and provided easy access to the dunes.  Each spot offers a picnic table and fire pit with the group site offering a nice outdoor kitchen and propane grill.

The campground restroom also provides showers to cleanup after a long day in the dunes.

For more information on Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park, visit the Utah State Parks website